Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Summary of Shooting an Elephant

Narration: â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† To narrate is to describe an experience or a story that is linked in time. An effective narration â€Å"usually relates a sequence of events that led to new knowledge or had a notable outcome† (Aaron 60). George Orwell uses narration in â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† to support his thesis that imperialism is an immoral relationship of power because it compels the oppressor to act immorally to keep up appearances that he is right, just like his experience of shooting an elephant.Orwell was called to the market after a working elephant escaped his handler and killed a man. (Rule#2)By the time he arrived the scene, the elephant was calm and has wandered into an open area away from the market. Orwell did not want to kill the elephant because it was calm and caused no threat. (Rule#1)He had never intended to hurt the elephant, but with everyone watching, he felt as if he could not let them down. Orwell states, â€Å"They [the crowd ] did not like me, but with the magical rifle in my hands I was momentarily worth watching† (86).Therefore, he pulled the trigger and killed the elephant. He was regarded as a wise ruler, but on the other hand, he knew that he was wrong in what he did. As a result, he finds himself doing whatever he must do, which in this case is to kill the elephant, to â€Å"avoid looking a fool†(89). (Rule#4)Orwell symbolizes himself as the British imperialists, who were the ruling authority in Burma, and  the Burmese people as the elephant. Shooting the elephant is a symbolic of the English government's relationship with the Burmese people.By narrating the experience of killing an elephant, George Orwell presents a good model of narration. His narration brings out a notable outcome, which is his thesis that imperialist have to control their indentured servant by showing their power.Work Cited Aaron, Jane E. , ed. 40 Model Essays. New York: Bedford/ St. Matins, 2005. Orwell, George . â€Å"Shooting an Elephant. † 40 Model Essays. Ed. Jane E. Aaron. New York: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2005. 82-89.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Got Milk Analysis

Case Analysis of the Got Milk BRANDING A COMMODITY 1. A. The got milk? Ad campaigns was a sign of beverage industry, it symbolized beverage industry’s innovation. It stopped milk demand rate of decline, and created new brand of milk. Let commodity also have brand to effect consumers’ purchase decision. B. 1) Television Ads, the television ads gradually built the tension that was so critical to the deprivation strategy. 2) Additional communications programs, the creative strategy lent itself to using complementary food as promotional tools for milk. ) Media strategy, According to manning there were three ideal times to communicate the milk message—at home where milk could be immediately consumed, on the way to the store, and in the store, 2. The United Dairy Industry Association (UDLA) commissioned a marketing research study to investigate the reason behind the perpetual decline of per capita milk consumption. 1) Proliferation of other beverages 2) Lack of portabi lity 3) Lack of flavor variety 3) not thirst quenching 4) Lack of consumer mind share 5) shared nature of consumption. 3.The new advertising campaign had to satisfy three objectives: 1) Change consumer behavior, the CMPB’s foremost priority was to increase milk consumption by one occasion per week. To change the ways for consumers think about milk. 2) Increase mind share, although many people drink milk every day, milk suffered from a complete lack of consumer mind share. 3) Halt sales decline, obviously, sales represented the bottom line for the CMPB. 4. Got milk Campaign used research data of California to explain dairy industry trend, then compared milk need rate of American. Gained a credible evidence to show advantage of drink milk.It will make consumer change their drink habit. It not only advertise brand, but also develop brand to consumers. Ensured target market, created campaign objectives, branding strategy, and then let it became spirit of brand integrate into peop le’s life. 5. Base on strategy of case already mention, to create music about advertising of got milk, let consumer remembered brand easily, associate with beverage companies which produce milk show their logo on Got Milk’s advertising. Decide coupons and discount day on newspaper, printed cartoon or old fashion out packing to attract consumers with different age, sexuality, religion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Censorship in Huck Finn

Many people claim that the novel is racist due to the frequent use of racial slurs and the disrespect and mistreatment of the character Jim who is a runaway slave. Mark Twain’s famous novel is not a racist text because it is a historical account of the south during the 1840s, when racism was commonplace. The book’s purpose was to emphasize real life and mock the faults in human nature. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn runs away from his life and travels down the Mississippi River with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. The story follows Huck’s moral growth and maturity throughout his many adventures and experiences. The major turning point of the book is when Huck realizes that Jim cares about him, and that he cares about Jim in return. As a child, Huck is taught that Jim isn’t a person because of his skin color and that he does not deserve respect, but Huck discovers that Jim is a person and deserves more respect than most people Huckleberry met on his journeys. He comes to this decision because Jim cares for him and treats Huck better than his own father. Huck says â€Å"All right, then, I’ll go to hell. when he decides to go against the racist teachings of his childhood and help Jim get his freedom (Twain 216-217). The book was written to show what life was like in the 1840s and successfully revealed the way people viewed each other and people of other races. In the beginning of the story, Huck treats Jim poorly because he is taught that Jim isn’t a real person and h e could get away with it. One of the many tricks Huckleberry plays on Jim was hiding a snake in the cave they were living in, but the snake bites Jim and Huck realizes how cruel his trick was and begins to feel sorry for how he treats Jim (Twain 55). Events like this are the reason people believe that Mark Twain’s book is racist, but without these examples the book’s purpose is muddled and the historical reliability is gone. The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a controversial text because it contains derogatory language and examples of disrespectful behavior towards people of color. Speech and actions like the ones in the book were common in the setting of the book (Knab 1). People want to ban or edit the original text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because of these elements, but they still allow these remarks in other literary works. Fredric Douglass used the same language in his narrative that was published in 1845, forty years before Twain published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but people don’t challenge his work because he was a slave and his story is a historical account of a slave’s life (Bowker). The two stories are based in the same time, are about the same topic, and both aim to be realistic portrayals of everyday life in the 1840s, yet one is constantly challenged while the other is allowed to be as it is. People today are concerned with being â€Å"politically correct† and â€Å"non-offensive†, but they have reached the point where they are willing to change history to protect the feelings of certain people (Kay). If these â€Å"racist† remarks and actions were removed from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the message of the book would not be evident, its historical accuracy destroyed, and the book would just be a meaningless children’s story. Censorship is useful to an extent, it allows people to keep mature information from children, but when it is used on history it takes away from the importance of knowing about and learning from the past. The reason racism is so important to avoid now is because of the negative effects it had in the past. If people don’t learn about these effects, then they can not understand the importance of equality now. When books are censored, their historical accuracy is lost and they are unable to educate people on the importance of the past to modern-day (Kay). Without learning about the good, bad, and ugly of the past, people wont be able to comprehend why the world is the way it is and how they can avoid the mistakes of the past. If the offensive content of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is removed, then people will not be able to see the severity of racism during the 1840s (Bosman). If the book is censored, then the point where Pap starts ranting about the â€Å"injustice† of a well educated black man being able to vote will not have the impact it should, representing the opinion of the average white male in the south (Twain 28). The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is seen as a masterpiece (Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) and a classic (Robert O’Meally) due to the original riting and arrangement. Without these elements, that people want to change, the book would not be as renowned or highly regarded. Although The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn may have some content that offends some people and they believe that it would be better to remove the offensive content, it would take away from the plot and meaning of the story. If the novel really offends someone, then they do not have to read it again or even finish reading it, but they do not have the right to change the words of someone else to suit their own ideals. The words of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were all carefully picked by Mark Twain to carry the message of his story and editing them would be defacing his hard work. Twain often complained about his proofreaders and editors changing his work (Kurutz). The book was written by Mark Twain and if he saw the need to add these controversial elements, then we should not interfere with his decision or his historical accuracy (Kay). Then novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text, nor is Mark Twain a racist himself. Mark Twain’s novel was written as a historical account of life in the 1840s and as a result, any content that could be considered offensive to some is all added to make the literary work more realistic and a more accurate portrayal of life in the setting. Without these elements, the story of Huckleberry’s moral growth would not be as developed and the message of the book will not be as prominent. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be censored because the way the book is written provides an accurate account of life in the 1840s and without the writing staying as it is, the whole integrity of the work will be diminished. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a classic because of how it was written. Changing the text changes the whole book and since the book is so highly regarded as it is, it should remain the same. When people claim that a book is racist, they make this assumption based on the content of the book. What people need to note is when the book is set, its publication date, and the purpose of the offensive content. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story takes place in the 1840s when racism was very common. It also was published in 1885 when people in the United States were struggling with racism after the Civil War. The offensive content of the book is used to portray what life was like in the 1840s and to mock the behavior of the people of that time. When the book was written, language like that used in the text was still common and not seen as offensive as it does now. Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist, it just contains racist content, and this content makes the story what it is and develops its meaning. To take away this major element of the literary work to protect the feelings of some individuals would ruin the story and would hurt more people than it would help. To censor The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would take away a valuable source of historical knowledge that allows us to see the importance of how our society has changed and developed. Without this knowledge, people will forget the importance of the progress humankind has made and will not be able to avoid the mistakes we have already made as a whole in the past. Because of these reasons, changing the great literary work of Mark Twain Is unnecessary because The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text and exposure to the harsh realities in the story will help the people of today to truly understand our past as a whole and improve our future. Works Cited Page Bosman, Julie. â€Å"Publisher Tinkers with Twain. † National Post. 4 Jan 2011. Print. Bowker, Gene. â€Å"Mark Twain, racism and Huckleberry Finn. † Examiner. com. Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http://www. examiner. om/article/mark-twain-racism-and-huckleberry-finn; Kay, Barbara. â€Å"We Shouldn’t Censor History. † National Post. 10 Jan 2011. Print. Knab, Jakob. Racism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 2011. Print. Kurutz,, Steven. â€Å"A Twain Scholar Reacts to the New, Censored Version ‘Huckleberry Finn’. † National Post. 9 Jan 2011. Print. PBS. â€Å"Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. † Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http: //www. pbs. org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/literature/huck. html; Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2003. Print. Censorship in Huck Finn Many people claim that the novel is racist due to the frequent use of racial slurs and the disrespect and mistreatment of the character Jim who is a runaway slave. Mark Twain’s famous novel is not a racist text because it is a historical account of the south during the 1840s, when racism was commonplace. The book’s purpose was to emphasize real life and mock the faults in human nature. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn runs away from his life and travels down the Mississippi River with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. The story follows Huck’s moral growth and maturity throughout his many adventures and experiences. The major turning point of the book is when Huck realizes that Jim cares about him, and that he cares about Jim in return. As a child, Huck is taught that Jim isn’t a person because of his skin color and that he does not deserve respect, but Huck discovers that Jim is a person and deserves more respect than most people Huckleberry met on his journeys. He comes to this decision because Jim cares for him and treats Huck better than his own father. Huck says â€Å"All right, then, I’ll go to hell. when he decides to go against the racist teachings of his childhood and help Jim get his freedom (Twain 216-217). The book was written to show what life was like in the 1840s and successfully revealed the way people viewed each other and people of other races. In the beginning of the story, Huck treats Jim poorly because he is taught that Jim isn’t a real person and h e could get away with it. One of the many tricks Huckleberry plays on Jim was hiding a snake in the cave they were living in, but the snake bites Jim and Huck realizes how cruel his trick was and begins to feel sorry for how he treats Jim (Twain 55). Events like this are the reason people believe that Mark Twain’s book is racist, but without these examples the book’s purpose is muddled and the historical reliability is gone. The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a controversial text because it contains derogatory language and examples of disrespectful behavior towards people of color. Speech and actions like the ones in the book were common in the setting of the book (Knab 1). People want to ban or edit the original text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because of these elements, but they still allow these remarks in other literary works. Fredric Douglass used the same language in his narrative that was published in 1845, forty years before Twain published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but people don’t challenge his work because he was a slave and his story is a historical account of a slave’s life (Bowker). The two stories are based in the same time, are about the same topic, and both aim to be realistic portrayals of everyday life in the 1840s, yet one is constantly challenged while the other is allowed to be as it is. People today are concerned with being â€Å"politically correct† and â€Å"non-offensive†, but they have reached the point where they are willing to change history to protect the feelings of certain people (Kay). If these â€Å"racist† remarks and actions were removed from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the message of the book would not be evident, its historical accuracy destroyed, and the book would just be a meaningless children’s story. Censorship is useful to an extent, it allows people to keep mature information from children, but when it is used on history it takes away from the importance of knowing about and learning from the past. The reason racism is so important to avoid now is because of the negative effects it had in the past. If people don’t learn about these effects, then they can not understand the importance of equality now. When books are censored, their historical accuracy is lost and they are unable to educate people on the importance of the past to modern-day (Kay). Without learning about the good, bad, and ugly of the past, people wont be able to comprehend why the world is the way it is and how they can avoid the mistakes of the past. If the offensive content of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is removed, then people will not be able to see the severity of racism during the 1840s (Bosman). If the book is censored, then the point where Pap starts ranting about the â€Å"injustice† of a well educated black man being able to vote will not have the impact it should, representing the opinion of the average white male in the south (Twain 28). The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is seen as a masterpiece (Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) and a classic (Robert O’Meally) due to the original riting and arrangement. Without these elements, that people want to change, the book would not be as renowned or highly regarded. Although The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn may have some content that offends some people and they believe that it would be better to remove the offensive content, it would take away from the plot and meaning of the story. If the novel really offends someone, then they do not have to read it again or even finish reading it, but they do not have the right to change the words of someone else to suit their own ideals. The words of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were all carefully picked by Mark Twain to carry the message of his story and editing them would be defacing his hard work. Twain often complained about his proofreaders and editors changing his work (Kurutz). The book was written by Mark Twain and if he saw the need to add these controversial elements, then we should not interfere with his decision or his historical accuracy (Kay). Then novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text, nor is Mark Twain a racist himself. Mark Twain’s novel was written as a historical account of life in the 1840s and as a result, any content that could be considered offensive to some is all added to make the literary work more realistic and a more accurate portrayal of life in the setting. Without these elements, the story of Huckleberry’s moral growth would not be as developed and the message of the book will not be as prominent. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be censored because the way the book is written provides an accurate account of life in the 1840s and without the writing staying as it is, the whole integrity of the work will be diminished. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a classic because of how it was written. Changing the text changes the whole book and since the book is so highly regarded as it is, it should remain the same. When people claim that a book is racist, they make this assumption based on the content of the book. What people need to note is when the book is set, its publication date, and the purpose of the offensive content. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story takes place in the 1840s when racism was very common. It also was published in 1885 when people in the United States were struggling with racism after the Civil War. The offensive content of the book is used to portray what life was like in the 1840s and to mock the behavior of the people of that time. When the book was written, language like that used in the text was still common and not seen as offensive as it does now. Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist, it just contains racist content, and this content makes the story what it is and develops its meaning. To take away this major element of the literary work to protect the feelings of some individuals would ruin the story and would hurt more people than it would help. To censor The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would take away a valuable source of historical knowledge that allows us to see the importance of how our society has changed and developed. Without this knowledge, people will forget the importance of the progress humankind has made and will not be able to avoid the mistakes we have already made as a whole in the past. Because of these reasons, changing the great literary work of Mark Twain Is unnecessary because The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text and exposure to the harsh realities in the story will help the people of today to truly understand our past as a whole and improve our future. Works Cited Page Bosman, Julie. â€Å"Publisher Tinkers with Twain. † National Post. 4 Jan 2011. Print. Bowker, Gene. â€Å"Mark Twain, racism and Huckleberry Finn. † Examiner. com. Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http://www. examiner. om/article/mark-twain-racism-and-huckleberry-finn; Kay, Barbara. â€Å"We Shouldn’t Censor History. † National Post. 10 Jan 2011. Print. Knab, Jakob. Racism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 2011. Print. Kurutz,, Steven. â€Å"A Twain Scholar Reacts to the New, Censored Version ‘Huckleberry Finn’. † National Post. 9 Jan 2011. Print. PBS. â€Å"Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. † Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http: //www. pbs. org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/literature/huck. html; Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2003. Print.

Los Angeles Police Department Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Los Angeles Police Department - Research Paper Example In the year, 1846, the great war of the Mexican-American broke when there was invasion in its northern territories. The economy of Los Angeles has been suppressed due to poor government formation in this region. Being a region with a mixed race structure, it has been a challenge to empower black-Americans who have been considered as the minority groups in this country. Industrial expansion in this country occurred in the early 20th century, a period when this county accelerated it economic development (Whittemore, 2012). A recent census has indicated that the population in Los Angeles has continued to grow rapidly and by 2010 there were close to 3.8 million citizens in this region. Since the development of the Los Angeles government system there has been a number of issues raised against the police. The mayors and the LAPD were involved in corruption scandals often taking bribes from illegal bodies within the public. For instance, in the late 1920s, the police department came under sharp criticism for taking bribe from madams and gamblers to allow them to conduct illegal business in this country. The government was against any member of public who criticized the police bodies. The intelligent units spied and too actions against any Los Angeles citizens who criticized the police. While this may have been a strategy to foster loyalty, it was one way of the government to avoid accountability to the public. During the end of the 20th century, the police department was hit by criticism due to the use of excessive force in handling the public. In the recent past, there has been criticism of the LAPD due to their brutality and inefficiency not only in operation but a lso in the recruitment procedures (Whittemore, 2012). The focus of this analysis is to evaluate the efficiency of the Los Angeles Police Department and to provide new strategies that can be deployed to improve

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The commonest form of contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The commonest form of contract law - Essay Example A court of law usually enforces the contract as long the offeree proves that he posted the letter. For the case of Bella, the letter he posted on 25th September 2006, but arrived on 30th September 2006, the contract to purchase the text book became binding immediately he sent the letter of acceptance. It does not matter that the letter was delayed by the post office. On the issue that since the recommended textbook for the course has changed, and Bella does not wish to buy the textbook, this would not apply. Acceptance one made, it cannot be revoked. The moment Bella expressed his acceptance of an offer, that very moment the contract is concluded, and it does not matter whether the acceptance is by word of mouth or even by writing. On the case of Chu who accepted Arun's offer by telephone, his contract became complete when the acceptance was heard by Arun on 30th September 2006. According to the law of contract, there is an exception to the communication of acceptance. A contact is complete only when acceptance is actually communicated to the offeror. But a contract made by telephone is complete only when the acceptance is heard by the offeror. For this case, Chu should not revoke the acceptance on the basis that the book will not be useful since it is not recommended text book in his course. An acceptance once made, it cannot be revoked. On the case of Dilma, who accepted the offer by email sent on 27th September 2006 but read by Arun on 28th September 2006, the contract became binding immediately the email of acceptance was sent. According to law of contract, there is an exception to the communication of acceptance as acceptance made by cable takes effect from the moment of posting is an exception to the general rule, that a contract is complete only when acceptance is actually communicated to the offeror. For this case, Dilma cannot be able to revoke the acceptance since an acceptance made cannot be revoked. Past Consideration is Sufficient Consideration Although consideration must not be past, there are three exceptions to this rule that past consideration is no consideration. The exceptions to this rule are applicable when:- The past consideration consists of services rendered at the express or on legally implied request of the promissor. A relevant case studied on this concept is that of:- Lampleigh vs. Braithwait In this case B, under death sentence, requested L to obtain King's pardon for him, which he did. B subsequently promised to pay 100 to L, which he failed to pay, and pleaded the defence that his promise was based on past consideration. It was held that as the plaintiff performed services as the express request of the defendant, a subsequent T promise to pay would be binding on him. When a debt, the payment of which is barred by statute of limitations, is revived by a fresh promise in writing for example if a creditor does not demand the repayment of the loan from his debtor within six years of the loan hence he cannot enforce his claim in the court in case the debtor refuses to pay. Lastly in the bill of exchange Act that provides that an antecedent debt or liability on the part of the promisor or drawer of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pranent-Community Involvement Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pranent-Community Involvement Program - Essay Example California department of education is an organization that supervises public education. This organization aims to provide guidance, support, supervision and teaching sources with material; so that every student can get good education. Various researches have been conducted in order to study educational programs ranging from teachers` training strategies to parents awareness programs. By studying such education related programs it has been observed that all those programs which includes parents involvement in their kids` studies has been proven the most influential ones for the prosperity of children as well as for the success of educational system (Rutherford & Billig, 2010). Researches have shown that education standard has been improved because of the involvement of parents and family in school programs. There are five booming plans that have brought changes at National level in United States specifically in New York and California. Various benefits have been observed because of th is program and individuals belonging to education world appreciated parents for their interest in children studies and other activities that can help their kids to learn something innovative. It is considered very important that parents should try to understand the importance of their role in their child`s career and education because they are the only ones whose active participation can bring an incredible change in their children`s life (Rutherford & Billig, 2010). There are certain National Standards for parent community involvement programs which are based on qualitative research and are important for children`s career, parents satisfaction and for the success of educational institution. There are three motives of this standard that includes encouragement of parents and families for their active contribution. Secondly, to provide knowledge about all those influential elements, that can play vital part in such programs and also to give moral and material support to those institut ions that aim to raise their standard of education through various strategies and programs (Hurley & Tinajero, 2001). These are some important guidelines for principals and owners of the schools who wish to divert parents` attention towards child`s education through strategic programs. National standard intended to guide those people in very sophisticated manner who administer educational institutes because they have authority to deal with staff members and also they can apply such strategies within district level for parents to grab their attention as much as possible (Riley, Douglas, & Koop, 2004). According to amendments to community-based English tutoring program of California, when everyone plays its part to support learning system with full dedication, then children show positive response towards their studies and they show more interest in every school related activity. Many schools have adopted the program designed by California department of education which includes few bas ic goals. Their first goal is that they want to break all blocks that restrict parents` involvement. It is emphasized that parents should be made comfortable when they entered in school in order to encourage their spirit. All parents should be kept updated with their child`s academic progress (Hurley & Tinajero, 2001). To make it easier for parents to get information about institute and their kid keep updating websites or practice any other volunteer process that could

Friday, July 26, 2019

Bioprocessing and industrial Biotechnology Essay

Bioprocessing and industrial Biotechnology - Essay Example gies that are producing high yields of protein can be used as the key for the large scale production and the strategies involved in the production can be monitored for the efficient production of the recombinant proteins. The majority of the therapeutic proteins are produced using the mammalian cell culture system and by using the microbial systems. The mammalian cell culture systems usage for the large scale production involves very huge investments and hence the use of microbial systems is more preferred. The most common bacteria that are used for these production strategies are the Escherichia coli. E.coli was the first heterologous host to be used for the production of recombinant human DNA based material. (Gellissen 2005). Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of pancreas. It is essential for oxidation and utilization of blood sugar and maintenance of proper blood sugar level. In the healthy individuals insulin is normally secreted in the body continuously to maintain the glucose concentration as normal in the body. Insulin secretion usually increases after a meal in the body and the peak concentration is achieved within an hour. It also falls down to the normal level with in two hours. The normal plasma concentration of insulin is approximately 10 ^ -9 mol / l. the half life of insulin is only a few minutes. At the normal concentration, insulin is present as a mixture of monomer, dimer, tetramer, and zinc-insulin hexamer. These solutions of insulin are found to have a long lasting action and hence the insulin is produced as solutions only. Inadequate secretion of insulin leads to hyperglycemia (higher blood sugar level). This condition is said to be diabetics. In sulin reduces the blood sugar level and promotes glycogen metabolism in liver and muscles. It also reduces the breakdown of cellular proteins. Further it increases the resistance towards infectious diseases. The treatment of diabetics by treating insulin is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How Apple will not survive after the death of Steve Jobs Research Paper

How Apple will not survive after the death of Steve Jobs - Research Paper Example His return did not only resuscitate the company but also disrupted seven industries: personal computing, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, retail stores, and digital publishing (Isaacson, 2012). Under Jobs leadership, Apple became a innovative company that introduced products in the market that rendered other product obsolete and revolutionized the industry itself. Today, Apple is the world’s leading brand due to the innovation and leadership that Steve Jobs introduced in Apple without which, Apple would be nowhere near its status as the world’s leading brand today. This success is attributed to Steve Jobs management style of structured leadership and organizational behavior that has been both criticized and lauded by its critics but nevertheless made Apple of what it is today. There are many literatures that described Steve Job’s management style. Almost everybody is unanimous in their assessment about Steve Job’s passion for product excel lence that drove Apple towards innovation. Steve Jobs is extremely engrossed not only towards the details of Apple’s products but also on how it is marketed. He is known to push people to accomplish goals and objectives more than they thought they could achieve. He also stretched the possibilities of hardware and software design that yielded revolutionary products of which we enjoy today that often drove his people nuts(time). He was known to become rude, [slave driver at times], unreasonable, fickle, arrogant and even took credit for other’s ideas (time). But despite these seeming weaknesses, Job’s leadership have undeniably drove the company from near bankruptcy to become one of the most envied companies in the world. This kind of leadership was aptly encapsulated and articulated by Geil Browning as structured in the article entitled â€Å"Why Steve Jobs' Exactitude Mattered as Much as His Vision† at it dissected why Steve Jobs was effective as leader w ith his management style. Structured leadership meant having a road map on how to get things done such as â€Å"definition of objectives, develop process and road maps, pinpoint roles and responsibilities, develop timelines and schedules, establish milestones and checkpoints, determine success metrics, and identify control mechanisms† (2013).   To be specific, this kind of management style continues to learn by doing which is why Apple was always ahead on the learning curve of smartphones and gadgets. This is supported by practicality and straightforwardness which critics have branded Steve Jobs as rude for his forthrightness in communicating. Structured leadership is also sequential such as Jobs which drove his subordinates’ nuts because he does not seem to get contented with vague ideas. In sum Steve Job’s structured leadership boils to â€Å"communicating a specific, desired outcome, providing the tools to complete the assignment, and articulating how to d o it. Then just leave your employees alone. The work will get done--on time, on budget, and with precision† (Browning, 2013) particularly the precision part of which Job was known because he was precise to the minutest details. This management style of Steve Jobs however is no longer emphasized in the present leadership of Apple. Being such, Apple is bound to fail without Steve Jobs because the leadership and organizational behavior that was instilled by Steve Jobs that drove the company to excellence and produce radical innovation is already gone. Its new CEO Tim

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

About Gallos theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

About Gallos theory - Essay Example This bring of board Gallos four-dimensional diagnostic theory which proposes for a multi-pronged approach to organizational diagnosis, change anddevelopment Organizations can be understood as families, machines, a theater or even a jungle. In line with this view, it can then be argued out that organizations are ordinarily characterized with complexity. This therefore necessitates for a diagnostic model to be brought on board to assist in better comprehending this complexity. One of the theories used in shading light to organizational complexity is Gallos’ four-dimensional diagnostic model. Undeniably, organizations have complex dynamics. Besides being obliged with the reframing role in those organization development works which are seemingly effective, the aforementioned model also makes an exploration the various avenues through which the multi-frame model can be employed for purposes of expanding perceptions of the organization’s stipulated change, development and intervention strategy. This brings to our attention the aspect of organizational theory. By definition, organizational theory denotes the study of the structur es, designs as well as relationships of an organization with the external environment. Organizational theory encompasses the strategies that organizations embark on so as to comfortably cope up with changes taking place within and around the organization. In addition, organizational theory (OT) also entails the study of an organization so that the organization in question can be in a better position to reap from the identification of a shared theme of purpose, maximize productivity and efficiency and at the same time ensure that it satisfactorily meets the stakeholders’ needs. Notably, the principal traditions in organizational theory fall into four discrete areas, commonly known as frames. These frames include organizational structure, political dynamics, human resource and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critical Analysis and Reflection of Cases in the West Yorkshire Essay

Critical Analysis and Reflection of Cases in the West Yorkshire Jurisdiction - Essay Example In terms of completing a particular task of enforcing the law, like other police staff forces, the Yorkshire police force tries to implement all the necessary ethical and lawful guidelines altogether as they put themselves into a particular situation that might not be that easy for just anyone to be under. In the context of this discussion, a practical presentation on how the police force carefully yet strongly implements the systems of the law in the community shall be tackled in an aim to show how important the responsibilities of the said officers in the society are. A repeat offender was caught in the possession of five cannabis plants. These plants were processed for growth through a hydraulic set up. The 26-year-old man producer of drug has been in the watch list of the police as he has long been accused of possession and distribution of drugs for at least 26 previous convictions. These convictions prove the operation of the man and are further proven by the seen evidences in his home. Besides that, the convicted man has also been reported to have a 1000 in his pocket amidst the fact that he does not have a job. He was also seen with a young girl aged 18 who was doubted to have been using the drug along with the 26 year old man. She was rather asked some questions and sworn that she did not know about the ongoing procedures of producing drugs in the house. Given all t Given all the substantial evidences, the need to capture the man is essential. The informant who is the man's mother is asked to go back as she was found clean of the course of her son and was appointed to stay with her grandchild. Legalization, policy and Guidelines Section 23 of PACE allowed the search of the premises of the arrested person at the time of arrest without a warrant1. Subsection 1 says that a constable is allowed to search a person when he is arrested in a place, which is not the police station especially if he poses a danger to himself or others. The search is meant to uncover any thing that he might use to escape custody or which might be evidence in the crime. Subsection 2b allows the search of premises in which he was arrested. The powers do not allow the constable to unclothe or remove any clothes to achieve the purpose of discovering evidence. Moreover, this section does not allow a police officer to return to a site and examine the premises for evidence to corroborate the earlier arrest as he then requires permission from the inspector. Changes have been made in the trigger powers validated by Section 32. Search of the person and premises are allowed only in indictable offences as per the revisions from the midnight of Dece mber 31st 2005 in which the searching of premises and seizing of property are concerned2. The PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act, 1984) Section 18 was used for searching the premises of the girl's house and the house that both of the arrested rented for two days. This section of law allows the constable to enter and search the premises occupied or controlled by the person arrested and that relates to the offence, after the arrest3. A permission from the officer of the rank of Inspector of Police is required if the searches are done after the arrested are taken to the police station. This

European Efforts for the Empowerment of Talent Essay Example for Free

European Efforts for the Empowerment of Talent Essay The author gives the tremendous account for the efforts put by the European Commission in empowering its talent by facilitating, sponsoring, and being a driving force behind its universities. There is high stress on innovation, research, promotion of research, and association of research into teaching for the last two decades. There is also serious effort put by the European Commission in nurturing the link between its universities and industry so that talent empowerment can be up to the latest requirement by developing curricula through research and collaboration of industry and universities. There are considerable programs being run by the European Commission to meet its set targets which seem well organized as compared to the rest of the world in relation with empowering the youth through education in globalization. There is also great effort put by the same region on the development of distance learning programs that aim to foster the back benchers of society. Additionally, information and communication technologies and continuing education or learning as a lifelong process are other milestones that European Commission is set to cover. Among a number of programs, the very recent ones are: the European Research Area (ERA), the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)/Bologna process . Thus, by putting efforts on the reformation of the ways of education today the world can be rightly globalized in a positive way that can benefit all the nations and peoples. This way, universities can play a more vital role as important, indeed, as it was in the past. The global approach to education calls for â€Å"research on strategic and monitoring planning to manage globalization and technological and scientific change. To properly manage this, a more holistic view and a better interface across all relevant knowledge areas is necessary† .

Monday, July 22, 2019

Explain the Main Difficulties That are Faced During Overseas Study Essay Example for Free

Explain the Main Difficulties That are Faced During Overseas Study Essay As Australian universities have obtained popularity in the worldwide zone, the number of overseas students has been increased progressively. Accompanying with the overseas study trend, numerous difficulties that are faced during the overseas study appeared. To be specified, the term overseas study in this essay can be defined as students from those non-English speaking countries, especially Asian countries, receive the tertiary education in Australian universities. There are many difficulties can be encountered during the overseas study, some of which are the barrier of language, the new mode of education and the difference of culture. Firstly, the general problem in the overseas study is the language barrier. Although the language abilities of overseas students have been tested and verified by the language tests such as IELTS or TOEFL, there are still some obstacles in the English usage for academic purpose and daily communication. For instance, on campus lectures, tutorials, consultations and discussions are normally conducted in English, so there can be a huge number of technical terms that have never been heard by those international students. It may cause inaccurate understanding of some certain problems. The fast-talking and the use of slang during off campus everyday life such as the purchase of food, clothes and other necessities can also make a confusing. Therefore, academic or special usage of English can lead to some trouble in understanding as the incomprehension of English usage of those overseas students. The second difficulty that can be faced during the overseas study is completely different mode of learning. As differences of education widely exist among countries and also the gap between elementary education and tertiary education is generally concerned, overseas students will face two huge changes while receiving education abroad. To give an example, in many Asian countries, the study style before college is more like being driven or in another word, passive, whereas the tertiary education undertaken in Australian universities is more inclined to an independent process. As a consequence, the lack of motivation and automaticity can be shown on some overseas students that the education of those students may not be continued. Thirdly, the difference of culture is considered as one of the main difficulties that can be faced during overseas study. Culture varies from country to country, and the culture difference between Asian countries and Australia is tremendous. The hard adaption of culture difference should be made. For example, the food culture, the clothing culture and the religious culture can be quite different. A lot of Asian students used to have lunch as the main meal, however, in Australia, supper is regarded as the main meal. Hence, overseas study can be hard when spending time and energy on making adaption of these differences. In conclusion, the three main difficulties that are faced during the overseas study are the barrier of language due to the incomprehension of some specific terms and usage in English; the entirely different way of learning which depends on the independence; the huge difference of disparate culture which can be hard to be adapted. Of the three difficulties, the culture difference is the toughest because it is hard for an international student to adjust himself from a background to a wholly unlike one.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Anti Jerk Control Of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engineering Essay

Anti Jerk Control Of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engineering Essay The report details the review done in the area of anti-jerk control of vehicles. It explains the phenomenon of driveline oscillations excited due to torsion of driveline at high engine torques causing unwanted longitudinal oscillations in vehicle body. Report starts with a broad introduction to the topic and lays down the aims and objectives of the research project. The aims and objectives of the project are to design an active feedback control for an electric motor of a hybrid electric vehicle to damp these undesirable oscillations. A summary review of previous research work done in this area is presented which defines the starting point of the project. Different techniques used for anti-jerk control in conventional vehicle are discussed. Basic approach to model based control design is presented in the report. An introduction to hybrid electric vehicle driveline and description of its components different from conventional vehicle is shown. The report also lays down the procedure of the work to be followed for the research project with a project plan. INTRODUCTION The increasing pressure of protecting the natural environment and to decrease the dependence on non-renewable sources of energy has encouraged vehicle manufacturers to develop more clean and efficient power systems. As a result Hybrid vehicles are hot topic for research among vehicle manufacturers. Efforts are being made to make the vehicles more fuel efficient with high performance and minimum CO2 emissions. Diesel hybrids are considered as next big thing among ecological designs since diesel engines are 20 % 30% more fuel efficient than their petrol counterparts. Nowadays noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) issues have become more important for a customer such that there are very stringent requirements for noise or vibration in a vehicle. Driveability of a vehicle is majorly impacted by NVH problems and is strongly felt as vehicles performance during various manoeuvres such as acceleration, braking, gear change etc. Thus vehicle manufacturers and OEMs have realized the importance of NVH issues and target to identify the root cause of vibration and incorporate the correcting measures at early stages of manufacturing with a main goal to refine the ride and driveability of a vehicle. These days efforts are being made to increase the performance of vehicles and to make them more fuel efficient by using different techniques and one of the techniques is electrification of various systems in a vehicle. Electronic power assist steering system, electric active roll control, electronic differential, brake by wire are some of the examples of electrification of vehicle systems. This kind of methodology becomes more evident in case of hybrid electric vehicles where electric power components including power electronics are integral part of the powertrain. It has been observed that using these electrification techniques not only helps in increasing the performance of the vehicle but also makes them more fuel efficient. Thus the electrification in a diesel hybrid powertrain to improve the driveability of vehicle forms the main platform for this research project. Problem Statement One of the major NVH issues in automobiles is torsional vibrations of driveline. The torsion of drivetrain at high engine torques causes oscillations in driveline. These oscillations are generally excited by various sources such as rapid or sudden load/torque change, gear change and unevenness of road surface. These oscillations cause longitudinal acceleration in vehicle structure and passenger compartment of the vehicle, which reduces the comfort and driveability of the vehicle and are experienced as unwanted jerking by the driver and passengers. These type of driveline oscillations are termed as Jerking, which is the main focus of this research. The high engine torques at low engine speeds makes this phenomenon more common in modern diesel engines. A sudden/abrupt pressing or releasing of accelerator pedal by the driver causing a rapid increase or decrease in engine torque called as tip-in and tip-out respectively, which gives rise to oscillations between frequency range of 2 10 HZ. To reduce these oscillations and to increase the comfort and improve the driveability of vehicle some kind of anti-jerk control is required. In conventional diesel engine vehicles, active control of engine fuelling and drivers torque demands and passive utilization of mechanical isolators such as dual mass flywheel (DMF) are used to permit feed forward active and passive damping of these oscillations. Aims and Objectives The aims of the research project are to investigate the phenomenon of jerking in a diesel hybrid electric vehicle and to electrify the anti-jerk control using the electric motor of hybrid vehicle to damp these oscillations. The aims of the project would be realized through following objectives: A feed forward approach in modeling the vehicle driveline to investigate driveline jerking using SIMULATION-X. The response of vehicle during tip-in, tip-out, idle and coast conditions would be studied. To design an active feedback control for electric motor of the hybrid vehicle to permit active damping of the investigated driveline oscillations. To analyse its effects on fuel consumption, comfort and sportiness of the vehicle and comparison with conventional anti-jerk control methods. To study the impact of passive damping of these oscillations using DMF in the driveline. Due to the diverse nature of the project the work has been divided between two students. It was decided that modelling of the driveline will be done by Pavan Mukkamala and Kamal Shamnani will take care of control design part of the project. Report Overview As it can be seen before, the report begins with the introduction to the current scenario of hybrid vehicles, driveability and electrification of vehicle systems. Then problem statement was defined followed by aims and objectives. The next chapter would summarize the undertaken review to understand the research work beginning with analyses of jerking. The literature review also serves as the basis to provide the expected response characteristics. It also explains the different control methods used on a conventional diesel engine vehicle. Chapter 3 lays down the outline of the procedure to be followed for the research project along with project plan. Conclusions based the literature review have been made in chapter 4. LITERATURE REVIEW Driveline Oscillations Different type of powertrain configurations (front wheel drive or rear wheel drive), engine type and dynamic response, engine torque at different engine speeds and vehicle mass excites different kind of oscillations in vehicle driveline. These oscillations have been summarized below [1]: Torsion of shaft causes jerking and pitching type oscillations in the driveline. Jerking then causes longitudinal acceleration of car body in a frequency range of 2 5 Hz. The pitch motion frequency is about 1 2.5 Hz. Engine movement and engine mount characteristic excites oscillations in a frequency range of 15 200 Hz. Gear box housing cause oscillations in the frequency range between 50 and 80 Hz. Combustion process, movement of pistons inside the cylinder and engine speed causes oscillations depending upon type of engine, number of cylinders and engine speed. Inline-four cylinder engine types engine exhibit large cyclic fluctuations of torque at idle speed. Driveline Jerking in a Diesel Engine Vehicle The fast response and high torque of modern direct injection diesel engines results in sharp and large changes in driveline torque. Moreover smaller and more powerful modern diesel engines with reduced flywheel inertias and reduced mass of powertrain components reduce the initial response to transient throttle demands by the driver. But on the other hand faster response and large changes in driveline torque make them more susceptible towards generation of driveline oscillations. These types of oscillations are commonly referred as driveline jerking, surging, driveline shuffle, driveline judder, jerk oscillations or bonanza effect. [2], [3] and [4]. These oscillations are generally excited due to the torsional vibrations of driveline when accompanied with sudden torque change. The sudden driveline torque change can be described as tip-in and tip-out manoeuvres. The tip-in and tip-out behaviour are described in figure-1 as a step input and after few seconds a step back to zero [2]. The tip-in and tip-out behaviour causes oscillations to engine speed. The difference between engine speed and wheel speed is generally used to describe the torsional oscillations of driveline shown as torsional speed in figure-2-1. These oscillations are transmitted to the vehicle body from wheel and tire and cause oscillations in vehicle longitudinal acceleration. The oscillations in longitudinal acceleration of vehicle body are shown in figure-2-2. The acceleration of vehicle body oscillates between the frequency range of 2 and 5 Hz. The observed frequency of oscillation is dominated by drivelines first natural frequency. This frequency lies between the resonance frequencies of various sensitive human body parts such as shoulders (4 6 Hz), stomach (4- 8 Hz) and trunk (3 6 Hz) [5]. So, these different body parts may resonate due to this jerking and hence very unpleasant for drivers and passengers. Figure 2: Effect of Tip-in and Tip-out on Engine and wheel speed [2] Figure 2: Body acceleration during Tip-in and Tip-out [2]. The phenomenon of jerking is more common where the manual clutch is not present, as a human driver uses manual clutch to reduce these vibrations. Whereas in automatic clutch units the design philosophy is to reduce the clutch engagement and disengagement time to prevail smooth torque transfer which gives rise to driveline oscillations. These oscillations differ at different gear ratios. It has been shown that oscillation frequency increases shifting from first gear to higher gears due to change in damping co-efficient associated with each gear and reflected engine inertia [6]. Generally driveline shuffle is also associated with phenomenon of clonk or gear rattle. Clonk is basically a noise which is a by-product of backlash present in gears. Backlash is allowed to incorporate operating clearances and manufacturing tolerances. The clonk can be reduced by increasing the driveline compliance but side effect of increasing compliance is the increased driveline oscillations hence jerking. Anti-Jerk Control of Conventional Vehicles The main parameters which govern the severity of jerking response of vehicle can be termed as engine torque rise rate and driveline compliance. Anti-jerk control acts as the balance between comfort and sportiness of the vehicle. The reduction in driveline oscillations is possible by controlling the engine torque rise rate, which can be done by smoothening of drivers torque demands. In a conventional diesel engine vehicle it is done by electronic fuelling control and in a petrol engine vehicle it is done by using spark advance and electronic throttle control. Various manufacturers use the filtering of drivers torque request but this becomes of no use when oscillations are excited by ground roughness. In practice, anti-jerk controller parameters are experimentally optimized to combine comfort and sportiness of the vehicle [2]. The parameters are tuned and accessed, to include non-linearities present in the system, by using various test-runs to find optimal controller parameters. All these parameters are stored in form of different maps and relationship between different engine parameters which are then used to obtain a feed-forward controller for the vehicle. The reductions in driveline oscillations in conventional drivetrain are possible by various active and passive methods. These include: Optimizing driveline parameters such as compliance of clutch, driveshaft and transmission, gear ratios and inertia of driveline components. Passive reduction of oscillations by adding damping to the system. Active control of engine torque. Model Based Anti-Jerk Control In past these parameters were obtained by using trial and error methods which may not be fully optimized and this strategy takes a lot of time depending upon the knowledge of automotive engineer [2]. These days as explained above that optimal anti-jerk control parameters are obtained experimentally by systematic and standardized computer aided test runs. This procedure still relies on time-consuming test runs. Whereas use of simulation can help in analytical assessment of a large number of performance, driveability and comfort parameters with reduced costs and less risk of testing. Simulation can determine highly optimized and accurate system parameters out of which only few parameters are required to be checked by real tests which save a lot of testing time. Due to this a lot of emphasis is given on use of simulation to obtain the optimal controller parameters and also if possible integration of model based controller in the vehicle is also being considered. A review of model based controller design approach is shown below. Modelling techniques Driveline of a conventional diesel engine vehicle is made up of an internal combustion engine which is connected to a gearbox through clutch whose output is connected to driveshafts which transmits torque to the wheels. In model based controller design gray-box approach is used to model the drivetrain. According to which driveline can be modelled as lumped parameter model which is made up of rotating bodies with lumped inertias, compliances, damping losses, input torque and load torque through environmental forces [6]. Even a complete linear state space model based upon this relatively simple transformation of driveline is of 14th order which is very complex and requires very extensive computational resources to run on a real time engine ECU and is therefore very expensive and cannot be implemented for mass production [4]. Structure of a complex rear wheel drivetrain is shown in figure -3 [4]. Figure 2: A rear wheel drive vehicle driveline structure [4] Thus it is required to define a reliable and low order linear representation of overall driveline dynamics. Since the purpose of anti-jerk controller is to damp the oscillations at drivelines first resonance mode, some approximations can be made to reduce the model complexity. To simplify the model it can be assumed that driveline oscillations at first resonance mode are caused due to torsion of drive shafts which can be explained as they are subjected to relatively highest torque since the torque from engine is amplified by the transmission and final drive [1], [7]. Clutch due to its higher stiffness can be considered as not contributing to first resonance mode. All these assumptions can be justified by measurements [1], [7]. This reduces the driveline model to a 2nd, 5th or 7th order depending upon the type of drive configuration and flywheel. For a reliable and accurate design of a model-based controller identification of model parameters is done on basis of measurement data. To incorporate the non-linearities present in driveline the values of parameters depending upon engine speed can be stored in form of look-up tables resulting in time-variant model which is more accurate and reliable [1], [7]. Different techniques such as least square optimization and extended kalman-filter can be used to optimize the non-linearities present in the system to reduce the error. The model can be validated by comparing the simulation results with real behaviour of the car. Controller Design In a model based anti-jerk controller design the controller is used in a feedback path. Here also different methodologies have been used to design the control strategy. One of them is to use the model to obtain the controller parameters. Thus in this case model based controller design approach is used to assist the engineer and to save time on testing [2]. This type of control topology is shown in figure 2-4 [2]. Figure 2: Model based designed controller structure [2] In this type of control architecture a two step procedure is used to damp the driveline oscillations first the requested driveline torque Tin is filtered to prevent jerking generation and then the feed-back controller minimizes the jerking further. State of the vehicle can be the feedback to the controller which can be engine speed, wheel speed, and vehicle speed etc, based on which variable controller parameters will be chosen from predefined maps. Advantage of this type of control structure is that it can be used to compensate for the disturbances from the ground roughness. The other advantage of this type of control strategy is that it requires only controller variable parameters to be stored in the ECU of the engine which will be extracted by two performance criteria i.e. sportiness of vehicle demanded by the driver and level of comfort required through no longitudinal oscillations [2]. The disadvantage of this type of controller is that it needs to store different parameter valu es for different gears and operating points which require the experience and knowledge of automotive engineer to adjust parameter maps. Also it may require some feedback of vehicle states from the vehicle which may be difficult to measure in a vehicle. Also the adjusted parameters values for comfort and sportiness will depend upon the subjective preferences of the engineer. A field of research in this case is the invention of tuneable factor between sportiness and comfort which enables customers to tune their car to their requirement [2]. Another approach in model based controller design is the predictive approach i.e. a reduced model of vehicle drivetrain will be included in vehicle ECU which will reproduce the occurrence of jerking before its actual occurrence and output of which is used as controller input which will then avoid jerking before its occurrence [1] , [7] and [4]. Figure 2: Model based predictive control structure [1] The dead time or the time delay due to engine combustion events is separated from dynamics of process and modelled separately at the end of model which makes the response of the model faster than actual vehicle [1], [7] hence enables the accurate reproduction of oscillations before their occurrence. Structure of a predictive model based controller is shown in figure 2-5 [1]. These types of controllers are generally equipped with an observer which incorporates the external disturbances such as ground surface roughness and compensates the model inaccuracies by including a feedback between model output and actual process output [1] and [7]. The response of observer is faster than that of the process to make the steady state error zero after a short period of time due to this its design is done separately and values for different engine speeds and demanded torques are stored in form of look up tables. Root locus method is used for designing these kind of controllers. An advantage of usin g this type of controller is that less dependence on automotive engineer to adjust parameter maps. However an appropriate compromise between comfort and sportiness needs to be defined. One of the ways to increase sportiness is to deliberately delay the activation of controller until initial vehicle acceleration. This type of method can give the user an option of different modes for example, sporty, everyday and comfort by changing the controller values [4]. It can also predict system states which are difficult to measure on a real vehicle hence a more accurate system response can be obtained. At the same time this type of controller can be very expensive as it requires significant computational resources added on to vehicle driveline ECU. Hybrid Vehicle Driveline A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle in which powertrain has more than one source of power, a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) has an internal combustion engine and an electric machine/motor. HEVs powertrain can be classified as series or parallel hybrid systems. A series hybrid system is one in which electric motor provides all the torque required for vehicle propulsion whereas a parallel hybrid system allows torque input from either internal combustion engine or electric motor or from both. Hybrid electric vehicles are the most important topic of research for the past few years. A series hybrid vehicle driveline does not have a direct mechanical link between the engine and driveline. It is connected to a generator which in turn provides electric supply to power electronics. The electric machine/motor is connected generally through a single speed gearbox, final drive and drive shafts to wheels. Thus driveline oscillations in a series hybrid vehicle will be present, similar to a conventional vehicle. The main difference will be because of propulsion mechanism which is an electric motor. Regarding the anti-jerk control for a series hybrid vehicle, it can be done by active control of electric motor torque. It has been explained in a publication by Borodani and Ambrosio [3] in which an active robust control algorithm based on the Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¾ control technique was designed for a Fiat Bravo 1600 cc for electric only mode. In a parallel hybrid vehicle driveline both engine and motor are mechanically connected to the wheels through clutch, an automatic gearbox and drive shafts. The vibration modes of parallel hybrid driveline are similar to a conventional vehicle. A similar strategy can be used to minimize the jerking as used for conventional vehicles in engine only mode. Whereas an active control of electric motor torque can also be used to prevent jerking. As there is not enough evidence of work done regarding the investigation of jerking and development of anti-jerk control for hybrid vehicles, this will be a topic of this research. Figure 2: Block diagram of hybrid drivetrain to be used Electric motor in a hybrid vehicle driveline gives an opportunity to electrify the anti-jerk control which then can be compared with conventional methods of anti-jerk control for fuel consumption, degree of comfort and sportiness of the vehicle. A parallel four wheel driven diesel hybrid electric driveline with dual mass flywheel (DMF) of a sport utility vehicle will be used to investigate the driveline oscillation and then to design an active feedback control for electric motor to damp these oscillations. Vehicle drive configuration can be changed to front wheel drive by unlocking the central coupler. The effect electric real axle drive (ERAD) will not be considered for anti-jerk control design. The driveline is shown in figure 2-6. Some important components of driveline and their effect are explained below: Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) As name suggests ISG replaces both conventional starter and alternator/generator to a single electronically controlled device. An ISG can convert electrical energy to mechanical energy to start an engine and also mechanical energy to electrical energy to power all electrical systems in a vehicle such as lights, air conditioning etc and to charge battery. An ISG serves three important functions start-stop, electricity generation and power assistance [8]. It allows engine start-stop functionality to save fuel instead of idling when vehicle is not in motion. ISG generates electricity from spinning crankshaft of vehicle to charge the battery. In a hybrid vehicle an ISG can provide power assist to the engine during the boost-mode. Although it cannot propel a vehicle on its own but it can assist the engine and can be used to store energy while regenerative braking. The ISG is generally used in mild hybrids. An ISG can provide retarding force on crankshaft to generate electricity during bra king; this feature of ISG can be used for anti-jerk control. Dual Mass Flywheel A dual mass flywheel [DMF] consists of two rotating flywheels [primary and secondary] connected by long travel arc-springs [7]. Figure -7 shows the structure of a basic DMF [4]. A DMF can be used to mechanically isolate the driveline oscillations arising from high speed engine oscillations by decoupling the transmission from engine. It filters out the engine irregularities completely. Due to the smooth operation of secondary flywheel and transmission input shaft gear rattle is significantly reduced. DMF can provide good vibration isolation at low engine speeds which in turn reduces the fuel consumption of a vehicle. Due to its excellent vibration isolation and damping attributes, DMF today is found in many vehicle drivelines including low budget cars [4]. But despite of its advantaged DMF increases the system complexity. DMF is basically a spring damper unit having highly non-linear characteristics. It can temporarily store energy due to which it applies a reaction torque on internal combustion engine and alters the engine speed signal which is used by ECU. It increases the probability of undesirable side effects such as jerking. Figure 2: Dual Mass flywheel structure [4] PROCEDURE Procedure of work Driveline vibration is mainly a problem of engine torque profile and compliances of components in the driveline. To study the effect of jerking in hybrid vehicles a model of driveline with all system complexities will be developed using a SIMULATION-X. The simulation-X model will be a complex model replicating the complete dynamic behaviour of the vehicle. As the frequency range of interest is 2-5 Hz, drivelines first natural frequency the model will be reduced according to a final model to be implemented for the design on controller which can accurately predict the oscillations in the desired frequency range. An active feed-back control for electric motor torque and for engine fuelling control will be designed by implementing the reduced model in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Then both controllers will be implemented in the actual complex model in SIMULATION-X to observe the system performance in terms of fuel consumption, level of comfort and sportiness. Simulation tool Simulation-X Simulation-X has been chosen to investigate the phenomenon of jerking for the project due to its very user friendly graphical user interface. This interface provides a very intuitive and efficient lumped parameter modelling approach for modelling dynamic systems. It can model various physical systems (i.e. Electronics, Mechanics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Thermal etc) with much ease. It also allows for the signal and equation based modelling ideal for control systems. Another important feature of Simulation-X is the ease of parameterization i.e. it is very easy to define the system complexities and parameters depending upon the requirement. It has numerous possibilities for visualization, analysis and recording a large number of results associated with each element of a model. It is very beneficial for modal analysis as it can easily extract the dynamics of system by showing the modes of vibrations and the cause of these resonance modes. This feature is very handy and useful for this r esearch project as it can be used to differentiate between the causes of oscillations in the driveline and thereby helping to reduce the model for the desired frequency range. Project Plan CONCLUSIONS On the basis of literature review it can be stated that the high change in engine or load torque excites oscillations in vehicle driveline, known as jerking causing horizontal acceleration in vehicle body. The frequency of jerking lies in resonance frequency range of various sensitive body parts as a result it is entirely undesirable by the drivers. Comfort and driveability issues raise the need for anti-jerk control. There has not been enough work done on anti-jerk control for hybrid electric vehicles since not many hybrid electric vehicles are available in market. Other than the conventional methods, electrification of anti-jerk control can be done in a hybrid electric vehicle which will be the main aim of the research project. A model based controller design approach can be regarded as efficient and reliable. It can assist an automotive engineer in deciding control parameters for the controller, also it can be implemented directly to vehicle for anti-jerk control by reducing the order of driveline model. Driveline oscillations can also be damped using passive damping methods such as using DMF which will be studied as a part of research project. REFERENCES [1] Kiencke, U. and Nielsen, L. (2005), Automotive Control Systems for Engine, Driveline and Vehicle, Springer, Berlin, Germany. [2] Grotjahn, M., Quernheim, L. and Zemke, S. (2006), Modeling Identification of car driveline dynamics for anti jerk controller design, ICM 2006 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics , 1-4244-9713-4/06. [3] Borodani, P. and Ambrosio, C. (2002), Robust control of active damping of a hybrid vehicle driveline shuffle, MED2002 Conference. [4] Walter, A. Kiencke, U., Jones, S. and Winkler, T. (2008), Anti-Jerk Idle Speed Control with Integrated Sub-Harmonic Vibration Compensation for vehicles with Dual Mass Flywheels, SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Congress Shanghai, China, 2008-01-1737. [5] McDevitt, I. (2005), Torsional Vibrations of Vehicle Driveline, MSc Thesis, Automotive Product Engineering, Cranfield University. [6] Lee, H.C. (2006), Driveline vibration control of electric vehicle, MSc Thesis, Automotive Product Engineering, Cranfield University. [7] Baumann, J., Torkzadeh, D., Ramstein, A., Kiencke, U. and Schlegl, T. (2005), Model-based Predictive Anti-Jerk Control, Control Engineering Practice 14 (2006) 259-266. [8] Viorel, I., Szabo, L., Lowenstein, L. and Stet, C (2004), Integrated Starter-Generators for Automotive Applications, Acta Electrotehnica, Volume 45 Number 3 2004. [9] Reik, W., Seebacher, R. and Kooy, A. (1998), Dual Mass Fly-wheel.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Conceptual Aircraft Design: APU, Pneumatic, and Environmental Control Systems Advance aircraft and spacecraft systems are so far, one of the most revise areas in aviation industry. Every year, more systems are tested, review, and redesign into better advanced applications. However, aircraft’s systems allocate many applications, such as the next generation in avionics and other sub-systems. With new methodologies and technological advancement in aerospace industry, aircraft’s systems can address better operational implementations and provide feedback for safety environments. In recent years, most aircraft’s systems has shaped the way in which aviation is heading. A focus on these developments is the systems redesigning phase. Although, redesigning phases reinforce the aircraft deficiency. By acknowledging system’s background, it allows better proactive and reactive processes for safety and performance. Yet, a very important aspect, is the overall endurance. Endurance approach must convey through all aircraft’s systems. These systems are the driving motor of the aircraft; without a proper integration, it could lead to a total structural failure. When a systems are not properly addressed as the requirement states, it is considered to be inefficient. Providing efficient work capacity through all systems is a minimum and essential condition. As part of an unending process, aviation industry is recurring to research implementations to address situational awareness regarding aircraft’s systems and performance. The continuity o f support to research areas, are very advantageous to this industry. It has led to address deficiencies in products, systems, services, safety factors, and human developments. APU One of the most important key... ...ich, Claudia Werner, Martin Saballus, Florian Gores. F.M. January 28- April 19, 2013. Multifunctional fuel cell system in an aircraft environment: An investigation focusing on fuel tank inerting and water generation. Aerospace Science and Technology. Retrieved 2014. For more information contact Jose Kallo to And /or refer to: Ronald M. Heck, Robert J. Farrauto, Suresh T. Gulati. F.M. 2012.Catalytic Air Pollution Control: Commercial Technology. Pp. 361-372. Â © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved 2014. For more information refer to web source:

Integrating Students with Exceptionalities Essay -- Education

The delivery of education for students with exceptionalities has evolved from complete segregation to the provision of education within regular classes (Andrews & Lupart, 2000). Integration will be successful if the necessary supports and services are in place within the education system. Regrettably, the public special education system currently in use in Ontario is not meeting the needs of integrating students with exceptionalities in regular class settings. Even now, many educators believe that segregation of students with disabilities is justified and not prejudiced (Valeo, 2009). To abolish segregation from the Ontario public school system there is a definite need for strategies. Although there are challenges, there are numerous methods to promote inclusion through integration of exceptional students to include them in standard curriculum classrooms. One of the challenges that Ontario school professionals face is the amalgamation of regular and special education. This integrated system values, supports individual differences, and works in response to the various strengths, challenges, and experiences of all students. (Andrews & Lupart, 2000). The most debated issue for school professionals and advocates is whether a unified system provides students with better opportunities to learn. The reason for this debate is that school professional question if this type of system will diminish options for exceptional students to receive the individually adapted instruction them (Boscardin, 2005). The goal of inclusion through integration is to make available instructional strategies that effectively produce acceptable educational results for exceptional students, and can be implemented in a manner promoting inclusion. Educators must a... .... (2000). The Inclusive Classroom: Educating Exceptional Children. Scarborough: Nelson Thomson Learning. Boscardin, M. L. (2005). The administrative role in transforming secondary schools to support inclusive evedence based practices (Vol. 33). American Secondary Education. Dixon, S. (2005). Inclusion - Not Segregation or Integration Is Where a Student with Special Needs Belonds. The Journal of Educational Thought, 33-53. Harpell, J. V., & Andrews, J. (2010). Administrative Leadership in the Age of Inclusion: Promoting Best Practices and Teacher Empowerment. The Journal of Educational Thought, 189-210. Tomlinson, C. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms . Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum. Valeo, A. (2009). Education’s enduring prejudices: disability at the door. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Snakecharmer and In the Snake Park :: essays research papers

The poem, â€Å"Snakecharmer†, is a poem that conveys an underlying theme of power and control, as represented by the snakecharmer, through the nature of the snakes and their relationship with the snakecharmer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no consistent rhyme scheme to the poem, and almost all the stanzas in the poem have run-on lines to the following stanza. The effect these create is a general atmosphere of inconsistency and disorder. The run-on lines also place an emphasis upon the last word of the stanza and the first word of the following, helping the poet impress upon the reader the significance of words such as â€Å"river†, â€Å"tongues†, â€Å"snakes†, â€Å"shapes† and â€Å"rules†. The atmosphere of inconsistency and disorder that is created can also be linked to the free, uncontrollable movement of the snakes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The poet also uses repetition of the word snake to impress upon the reader the fact that snakes are all there is in this world, a hypnotic effect that brings clearly to the reader the image of a â€Å"world of snakes†. The sibilance of the words Plath chooses to use creates an indistinctly ominous effect that is lazy and almost hypnotic to the reader. The sibilant â€Å"s† is present at least once in every line of the poem, exaggerating that effect, which is very much like the movement of a snake holding its prey in thrall before the kill. Thus the atmosphere of disorder and inconsistency is threaded with an indistinct sense of foreboding for the reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first stanza, the â€Å"snakecharmer† is generalized as he is juxtaposed with â€Å"gods† and â€Å"man†. The grand style of the first line is continued through to the second as the charming of snakes is likened to the beginning of worlds; â€Å"begins a snaky sphere†. Here the reader is made aware of the amount of power the snakecharmer possesses in his control over the snakes. The grand style abovementioned gives a sense of grandeur to the snakecharmer, and the tone of this stanza is subtly respectful towards him. In the last line of the stanza, the word â€Å"pipes† is repeated; â€Å"mouth-pipe. He pipes. Pipes green. Pipes water†; that has an almost hypnotic effect on the reader. This could be because the repetition of a word coupled with frequent use of caesuras gives a calming effect that can soothe the reader while commanding his attention. This is precisely the effect the snakecharmer has on the snakes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Discrimination Worksheet Essay

†¢ What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Racial and Ethics Group 13th Edition by Richard T. Schafer defines discrimination as the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons. Discrimination is different from prejudice and stereotyping because discrimination is the act of excluding a group from some right, privilege, or service which is based upon some form of prejudice or stereotyping. Stereotyping is a generalization of a group of people from a certain race which is usually negative and a prejudice is a first impression of a person which is usually based off a stereotype. Discrimination is actual positive or negative actions towards a person or group based solely on their differences. An example would be an employer not hiring Hispanics because he does not like them. †¢ What are the causes of discrimination? Discrimination is caused by race, religion, gender, ethnicity; this can affect promotions, or even getting the job to begin with. Discrimination is often based on ignorance, fear and stereotypical viewpoints. There are many causes for discrimination. One of which is learned from behavior. If you grew up seeing discrimination practiced by your parents, you will probably follow the same mind-set and this will be passing on through generations and generations of families. Racism is the major cause of Discrimination. It creates a big gap between people the hate for minority groups and the action to oppress them. For example to deny a Hispanic family living in an all-White community. †¢ How is discrimination faced by one identity group (race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability) the same as discrimination faced by another? How are they different? Discrimination at times is something one person cannot control such as age, race or even one’s disability. The similarities are that they are all suffering at the hands of insensitive and ignorant people. To be honest I really do not think there is an actual difference at all in the discrimination faced by one group versus another group. To me discrimination is discrimination. I do not see a difference with discrimination from one person to another person; the only difference is that person’s ethnicity. Someone may not like blacks over Hispanics but when it comes down to it and they had to choose let’s say for example an employment opportunity that person might go along with the black person. That one person might have just picked the black male over the Hispanic male because he does not like Mexicans and now that one person may think all Hispanics are Mexican.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hr Maxa

t for each(prenominal) oneing and Developing Employees Multiple excerption 1. _____ endures new employees with the basic background info contendful to per constellation their line of concerns satisfactorily. a. Employee recruitment b. Employee natural selection c. Employee druthers d. Employee cooking e. Training (c late p. 268) 2. orientation course typic some(prenominal)y accepts teaching on _____. a. employee acquires b. mortalnel policies c. daily routine d. guard duty measures e. every(prenominal) of the in a higher(prenominal) place (e motiveless p. 268) 3. The modes utilize to accomplish new or endue employees the dexteritys they need to perform their charms ar c both(a)ed _____. a. orientation b. re growthion c. commitment d. ppraisal e. cargon (b abstemious p. 270) 4. Employers hold a(n) _____ to ensure that employees ar on the trading(p) toward organisational addresss. a. exertion cargon influence b. employee orientation cal culator syllabusme c. direction by objectives political architectural plan d. rewards syllabusme e. just-in- period system (a nurse p. 270)5. Which of the avocation has the highest influence on organisational effectivity? a. estimation b. feedback c. checkering d. goal-setting e. engineering science (d master p. 270) 6. The initiatory tone in a makedness program is to _____. a. delegate the programs achieveres or failures b. drink the program to a low-d take in footrace hearing . radiation pattern the program kernel d. style a necessarily analytic thinking e. ready the targeted pigeonholing of employees (d cultivate p. 270) 7. What is the arcminute spirit in the pedagogy stillt on? a. pass judgment the programs supremacyes or failures b. defer the program to a sm on the whole mental test audience c. externalise the program limit d. conduct a needfully outline e. train the targeted group of employees (c mark p. 270) 8. The third gear shade in the teaching cover is to _____. a. assess the programs successes or failures b. model the program to a small test audience c. design the program content d. conduct a needs summary e. rain the targeted group of employees (b head p. 270) 9. The fourth step in the teaching assist is to _____. a. assess the programs successes or failures b. present the program to a small test audience c. design the program content d. conduct a needs abbreviation e. train the targeted group of employees (e curb p. 270) 10. What is the terminal step in the rearing process? a. assess the programs successes or failures b. present the program to a small test audience c. design the program content d. conduct a needs psycho abstract e. train the targeted group of employees (a halt p. 270) 11.James is curtly reporting the specific think over proceeding aptitudes needed, analyzing the skills of potential trainees, and create fellowship and operation objectives found on the defic iencies he finds. James is operative on the _____ step in the discipline and development process. a. first b. second c. third d. fourth e. fifth (a tick p. 270) 12. Which of the quest is non a consideration when innovation a provision program that motivates the trainees? a. leave alone the opportunity to apply the worldly b. depart prompt feedback c. utilize a one-half or one-third-fourths solar day inscription d. net income the trainees for the eon spent in counselling . countenance trainees to set their own pace (d chequer p. 271) 13. Which of the adjacent is recommended for topo natural point take on sessions to maximize breeding? a. a copious day b. a half-day c. one hour d. collar hours e. devil hours (b give p. 272) 14. If an employer fails to train an employee adequately and an employee subsequently does harm to a third party, the court could find the employer nonresistant for ____. a. negligent hiring b. discrimination c. negligent prep atomic nu mber 18dnessd. occupational fraud e. adverse deed (c defy p. 272) 15. Which of the conserveing locomote entrust non help employers foster themselves against charges of negligent bringing up? . con trustworthy employee cl starts of skill and experience b. permit extensive dressing c. pronounce the peak to which educate lowers perils associated with line of merchandise d. pay employees for conviction spent in grooming e. all of the in a higher place will help employers protect themselves (d difficult p. 272) 16. Under which situation below, should an employer pay an employee for cadence spent in develop? a. the culture program is voluntary b. the preparation program is directly related to the trainees handicraft c. the trainee does not perform some(prenominal) productive work during the program d. he preparation program is conducted outside running(a) hours e. the discipline provides no immediate benefit to the employer (b difficult p. 273) 17. _____ is a exact submit of the pipeline to receive what specific skills the note requires. a. Needs analysis b. Task analysis c. Performance analysis d. Training dodging e. Development plan (b blowsy p. 273) 18. Employers throne supplement the blood description and precondition with a _____ that consolidates randomness regarding mandatory tasks and skills in a format that is helpful for determine pick outing requirements. a. erformance record book form b. prepare sagacity form c. task analysis record form d. skill shred e. work function analysis (c operate p. 273) 19. A task analysis record form contains all of the quest foring information except a. task harken b. need skill set c. quality of featd. employee discern e. performance conditions (d obtain p. 273) 20. Employers shadower identify education needs for new employees by _____. a. reviewing theorize descriptions b. reviewing performance standards c. performing the ances gauge d. questioning current handicraf t holders e. all of the above (e unproblematic p. 73) 21. The process of indirect that there is a performance inadequacy and determining if such deficiency should be corrected by dint of and by dint of instruct or by dint of some other gist is called _____. a. needs analysis b. task analysis c. performance analysis d. reading system e. emergence supplying (c extend p. 273) 22. The first step in a performance analysis is to _____. a. compare the somebodys performance to ideal performance b. prize productivity per employee c. assess number of employee-related guest complaints d. quantify supervisor performance reviews e. onduct tests of barter knowledge (a fit p. 273) 23. Sources of performance deficiencies in an employee may develop from a neediness of _____. a. didactics b. supplies c. victuals systems d. rewards e. all of the above (e direct p. 273) 24. _____ government agency having a person moderate a occupation by demonstrablely doing it. a. Practice b. On-the-job procreation c. Socialization d. Social skill e. molding (b behind p. 275) 25. Which of the following discipline method actings is the around popular? a. on the job discipline b. apprenticeship training c. wanton conclusion d. job affirmation training e. lectures (a domesticize p. 275) 26.On-the-job training sack be accomplished finished the office of all of the following techniques except a. coaching job b. programmed acquisition c. tack d. job revolution e. excess assignments (b maintain p. 275) 27. Rebekah was hired soon after graduation and assigned to work out a vigilance trainee program. She will go on to various jobs each month for a nine-month period of time. Her employer is utilizing the _____ form of training. a. job whirling b. understudy c. coaching d. particular(prenominal) assignments e. inlump larn (a guarded p. 275) 28. Jack hopes to be promoted to head of his division next twelvemonth.In the meantime, he has been assigned t o spend a year as assistant to the current department head. This is an example of the _____ form of training. a. job rotation b. job study c. coaching d. specific assignments e. informal learning (c take p. 275) 29. Which of the following guidelines is intended to Prepare the Learner for success development on the job training? a. apologize performance quality requirements b. go with the job at the pattern work pace c. designate to whom the bookman should go for help d. well-known(prenominal)ize the histrion with equipment, materials, and tools e. plaudit frank work (d lead p. 276) 0. Which of the following guidelines is intended to Present the Operation when fetching the go for success using on-the-job training? a. put the learner at residue b. have the learner beg off the move as the trainer goes through the job at a black pace c. explicate the whole job d. create elicit in the job e. compliment good work (b middle of the roader p. 276) 31. The Do a Tryout step for success when using on-the-job training entails all of the following except _____. a. purpose out what the learner already knows close this job b. having the learner go through the job several quantify patch let offing each step c. unning the job at the normal pace d. having the learner do the job while gradually build up skill and speed e. correcting mistakes as the learner goes through the job (a moderate p. 276) 32. Which of the following is not part of the take note Up step in ensuring success from on-the-job training? a. decrease control b. correct faulty work patterns c. explain measurement and quality requirements d. designate to whom the learner should go for help e. compliment good work (c moderate p. 276) 33. The first step to ensuring success for on-the-job training programs is to _____. a. present the mathematical process b. ollow up c. do a tryout d. prepare the learner e. evaluate the program (d gentle p. 276) 34. When low expectations on the traine rs part try into poor trainee performance, this is called the _____. a. zombi effect b. expectations error c. what you ask for is what you get effect d. antepast risk e. trainer bias (a moderate p. 275) 35. A structured process by which people become skilled thespians through a combination of classroom guidance and on-the-job training is called _____. a. job guidance training b. understudy training c. programmed learning d. apprenticeship training e. coaching (d well-off p. 276) 6. Which form of on-the-job training usually involves having a learner study under the keeping of a master craftsperson? a. job direction training b. understudy training c. programmed learning d. apprenticeship training e. coaching (d light-colored p. 276) 37. solely of the following occupations except _____ go for apprenticeship training to prepare trainees. a. cook b. electrician c. millwright d. run engineer e. teacher (e moderate p. 276) 38. When jobs be of a logical sequence of steps and a re best taught bit by bit, the appropriate training method to use is _____. a. job delegacy training b. informal learning . job rotation d. programmed learning e. apprenticeship training (a moderate p. 277) 39. The first step in using a job instruction training program is to _____. a. prepare the worker b. list all necessary steps in the job c. order the steps in the job d. list key points or guidelines for each step e. present the operation (b moderate p. 277) 40. A dis good of public lecture as a method of training is that it is _____. a. fast b. appropriate for large groups c. suspend questions from the audience d. long-winded e. less high-ticket(prenominal) than written materials (d motiveless p. 278) 41. _____ is a step-by-step self-learning method. a.Job instruction training b. Programmed learning c. Apprenticeship training d. Lecturing e. Job rotation (b easy p. 279) 42. Which of the following is not an advantage of programmed learning? a. reduction in training time b . facilitation of learning c. reduced feeling of risk on the part of the learner d. learning similar to that with textbook e. immediate feedback provided (d moderate p. 279) 43. Functional analphabetism is defined as _____. a. denotation below 9th grade train b. the in skill to handle basic reading, writing, and arithmetic c. the inability to understand standard application terminology d. roficiency in math and reading skills at the 8th grade take and above e. all of the above (b moderate p. 279) 44. Employers are responding to the problem of functional illiteracy by _____. a. testing the basic skills of job candidates b. instituting literacy programs at work c. conducting literacy audits d. holding formal classes on math and reading e. all of the above (e easy p. 279) 45. Because illiterate employees will usually try to hide their problem, supervisors can try to identify illiteracy problems by looking for employees who _____. a. do not follow written instructions b. take forms home to complete . are multilingual d. both a and b e. all of the above (d moderate p. 279) 46. Which of the following goals is the focus of form training? a. to create cross-cultural sensitiveness b. to foster harmonious functional relationships c. to reform interpersonal skills d. to socialize employees into the corporate culture e. all of the above (e moderate p. 280) 47. An advantage of conventional public lecture over the use of audiovisual-based training is that _____. a. audiovisuals are more boring b. audiovisuals are more expensive c. audiovisuals allow for instant replay and stop-action d. udiovisuals can render events that are not easily demonstrate in live lectures e. audiovisuals can be easily sent to all berths (b moderate p. 280) 48. Another term for vestibule training is _____. a. apprenticeship training b. computer-based training c. cubicle training d. simulated training e. job instruction training (d moderate p. 281) 49. _____ is a method in which trainee s learn on actual or simulated equipment but are trained away from the job. a. Vestibule training b. Apprenticeship training c. Retreat training d. stand training e. Job instruction training (a moderate p. 281) 50.Pilots train on escape simulators for safety, learning efficiency, and cost savings. This is an example of _____. a. apprenticeship training b. on-the-job training c. simulated training d. coaching e. programmed learning (c easy p. 281) 51. _____ are computer-based training systems that learn what the trainee did right and ravish and then adjusts the instructional sequence to the trainees unique needs. a. Programmed learning b. Multi-media training c. videodisc training programs d. Intelligent tutoring systems e. Programmed instruction (d moderate p. 281) 52. All of the following are advance types of computer-based training except _____. . interactive drama systems b. intelligent tutoring systems c. interactive multimedia training d. virtual reality training e. all of the above are mature types of computer-based training systems (a moderate p. 281) 53. A(n) _____ is a set of instruction, diagrams, or similar methods available at the job site to guide the worker. a. instruction cruise b. job aid c. task analysis record form d. skill tack e. work function analysis (b easy p. 282) 54. United Airlines utilizes a checklist of things that pilots should do prior(prenominal) to take-off and landing. This checklist is an example of a(n) _____. a. job aid b. nstruction flat solid c. task analysis form d. work function analysis e. skill sheet of paper (a moderate p. 282) 55. give way agents at Apollo Travel Services follow a computer program that displays question prompts and dialogue boxes with give out policies as the agent enters information approximately the consumers travel plans. This is an example of a(n) _____. a. job aid b. electronic performance support system c. intelligent tutoring system d. computer-managed instruction e. computer-ba sed training (b moderate p. 282) 56. With _____, a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via television hookups. . lecturing b. audiovisual-based instruction c. teletraining d. teleteaching e. distance learning (c easy p. 283) 57. Any attempt to purify managerial performance by imparting knowledge, ever-changing attitudes, or increasing skills is called _____. a. salmagundi training b. on-the-job training c. performance profit programs d. management development e. coaching (d easy p. 285) 58. The _____ process consists of 1) assessing the communitys strategical needs, 2) appraising the current performance of managers, and 3) developing the managers. a. management development b. management skills archive c. succession planning . action planning e. performance support (a moderate p. 285) 59. The _____ process consists of 1) anticipating management needs, 2) reviewing the firms management skills inventory, and 3) creating replacement chart s. a. management development b. management skills inventory c. succession planning d. action planning e. performance support (c moderate p. 285) 60. Which on-the-job training method is apply for managerial positions? a. job rotation b. coaching c. action learning d. outside seminars e. all of the above (e easy p. 286) 61. In a(n) _____, guardedly selected squads tackle real world business rograms that extend beyond their usual areas of expertise and receive coaching and feedback on their work. a. management development program b. action learning program c. role playing program d. job instruction program e. understudy program (b moderate p. 286) 62. The transparent, but lots impermeable barrier that women face when assay to move to top management is called the _____. a. cods palisadeop ceiling b. glass wall c. ultraviolet corner office d. iron wall e. Mount Everest (a easy p. 287) 63. _____ is a special approach to schemeal substitute in which the employees formulate the n euter thats required and implement it. a.Managerial development b. Action enquiry c. Succession planning d. Organizational development e. Participative management (d moderate p. 290) 64. Which of the following is not an application of organizational development? a. forgiving process b. technostructural c. valet imagery management d. strategic e. interventions (e moderate p. 290) 65. The basic aim of _____ is to increase the participants brainwave into his or her own behavior and the behavior of others by load-bearing(a) an open looking at of feelings in a trainer-guided group. a. sensitivity training b. action interrogation c. group therapy d. diversity training e. coaching a moderate p. 295) 66. Which of the following organizational development techniques focuses on technostructural applications? a. t-groups b. process consultation c. quality circles d. team building e. goal setting (c moderate p. 295) 67. Which organizational development application involves examples compa rable goal setting, performance appraisal, and employee wellness? a. compassionate process b. strategic c. technostructural d. humans resource management e. process consultation (d easy p. 295) 68. Which of the following is not measured to evaluate a training program? a. organizational productivity b. participants reactions to the program . what trainees learned from the program d. changes in on-the-job behavior e. training objectives achieved (a moderate p. 299) 69. In a _____, measures are taken before and after the training program so they can be compared to assess the effectiveness of the program. a. Soloman four-factor design b. time series design c. controlled experiment d. post-test provided design e. factorial design (b moderate p. 299) 70. When _____ are measured to assess the effectiveness of a training program, variables such as liking of the program, satisfaction with the program, and attitude toward the program are assessed. a. earning outcomes b. behavioral outcomes c. results d. reactions e. productivity levels (d moderate p. 299) True/ False 71. Employee orientation programs cultivate from brief, informal introductions to lengthy, formal courses. (T easy p. 268) 72. Orientation refers to the methods used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs. (F easy p. 268) 73. Most employers do not develop their own training materials. (T easy p. 271) 74. Training sessions should be half-day or three-fourths day in length rather than a full day, because the learning curve goes pig late in the day. T easy p. 272) 75. Employers face the same consequences for discriminating against saved individuals when selecting candidates for training programs as they would in selecting candidates for jobs. (T moderate p. 272) 76. Employers must always pay employees for attention training programs. (F moderate p. 273) 77. The main task in analyzing current employees training needs is to determine what the job entails, break the job down into subtasks, and then teach each subtask to the employee. (F moderate p. 273) 78.Performance analysis is a detailed study of a job to determine what specific skills the job requires. (F easy p. 273) 79. The golem effect refers to the occurrence of poor trainee performance caused by low expectations for success by the trainer. (T moderate p. 275) 80. A disadvantage of on-the-job training is its expense. (F easy p. 275) 81. The American familiarity for Training and Development estimates that only roughly 20% of what employees learn on the job is learned through informal means while the rest is learned through formal training programs. F moderate p. 277) 82. Job instruction training is a step-by-step self-learning method which uses a textbook, computer, or the Internet. (F moderate p. 277) 83. Some estimate that 50% of the U. S. population reads below the eighth-grade level with near 90 million adults considered functionally illiterate. (T moderate p 279) 84. Literacy trainin g is some clock a part of a diversity training program. (T moderate p. 279) 85. Computer-managed instruction (CMI) is able to provide some of the primary characteristics of a human tutor. (F difficult p. 281) 86.Intelligent computer-assisted instruction (ICAI) is more advanced than intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) for providing tutoring. (F difficult p. 281) 87. Succession planning is a type of management development program. (T easy p. 286) 88. Lewins change process consists of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. (T easy p. 292) 89. Management development is a special approach to organizational change in which the employees themselves formulate the change that is required and implement it. (F moderate p. 285) 90. Organizational development usually involves action research. T moderate p. 294) 91. Sensitivity training seeks to increase participants acuteness into their own behavior and the behavior of others by encouraging an open expression of feelings in a trainer guided t-group . (T moderate p. 295) 92. Survey research is a expedient way to unfreeze a companys management and employees by providing comparative, graphic illustration of the fact that the organization does have problems to solve. (T easy p. 295) 93. OD applications in human resource management involve changing firm structure, methods, and job design to improve efficiency and roductivity. (F moderate p. 295) 94. Survey research is a technostructural OD technique. (F moderate p. 295) 95. military man resource management OD applications use action research to enable employees to conk out and change their firms effect practices such as performance appraisal and reward systems. (T easy p. 295) 96. Integrated strategic management is an OD method of developing and implementing a strategic change plan. (T easy p. 295) 97. A survey of employee attitudes towards the training program is the roughly frequently used assessment method. (F moderate p. 96) 98. When designing a training evaluation study, one can use a time series design or a controlled experiment. (T moderate p. 299) 99. When a training program is evaluated by measuring stick the outcomes of a group who receives the training and some other group that receives no training, it is called a time series design. (F moderate p. 299) 100. The four categories of training outcomes are reactions, learning, behavior, and results. (T easy p. 299) Essay/ oblivious effect 101. What four things should a sure-fire orientation program accomplish? (moderate p. 268) answer stark naked employees should feel welcome and at ease. in the altogether employees should understand the organization in a broad sense including its past, present, culture, and vision for the future. They should be clear about what is expected in terms of work and behavior. They should have begun the acculturation process into the firms way of doing things. 102. Training is not useful if the trainee lacks the motivation to benefit from it. The more signific ant the material, the more motivated an employee should be to learn. How can a manager make training material more meaningful for employees? easy p. 271) rejoinder There are basketball team suggestions for qualification training material more meaningful for employees. First, an overall picture of the training material that will be presented should be provided at the start of training. Second, familiar examples should be used. Third, the information should be logically organized and presented. Fourth, the lexicon used during training should be familiar to the trainees. Fifth, many visual aids should be used. 103. There are several sources of information an employer can use to identify a current employees training needs.List five of these sources of information. (moderate p. 273) tell The possible sources of information include performance reviews (supervisor, peer, self, and 360 degree) job-related performance data such as productivity, absenteeism and tardiness, accidents, shor t-term sickness, grievances, waste, late deliveries, product quality, downtime, repairs equipment utilization, and customer complaints observation by supervisors or other specialists interviews with the employee or the supervisor skill tests attitude surveys employee task diaries and assessment cracker results. 104.Trainers often try to solve employee performance deficiencies with training, but some deficiencies cant be overcome with training. What other causes susceptibility exist for performance deficiency from an employee? (easy p. 274) Answer Training is appropriate if the problem is caused by the employee failing to understand how to do, what to do, or what the standards for performance are. However, if employees are not provided with the proper resources for doing a job well then training cannot solve this problem. Likewise, if employees have the necessary knowledge and resources, then the may not be motivated to improve performance. 05. There are several types of on-the-job training. Identify and differentiate three types. Which one is used most often? Why? (moderate p. 275) Answer The types of on-the-job training include the coaching or understudy method, the job rotation method, and the special assignments method. Using the understudy method, an experienced worker or the trainees supervisor trains the employee. At lower levels, the trainee might observe the supervisor, but it is also used at higher levels. Job rotation means that an employee moves from job to job at planned intervals. This is park in management training programs.Special assignments give employees firsthand experience in working on actual problems. The coaching or understudy method is used most often. It is the simplest to execute and still offers the advantages of OTJ training. 106. What advantages are associated with on-the-job training? (moderate p. 275 Answer OJT is relatively inexpensive. Trainees learn while producing and there is no need for expensive training facilities lik e classrooms or programmed learning devices. OJT also facilitates learning because trainees learn by doing and get prompt feedback on their performance. 107.On-the-job training can be intensify if trainers know the four-step job instruction technique. What are the four steps in job instruction? Explain what happens in each step. (moderate p. 276) Answer The four steps in job instruction are to 1) prepare the learner, 2) present the operation, 3) do a tryout, and 4) follow up. In the first step, the trainer should try to put the learner at ease and relieve tension. The trainer should explain wherefore the trainee is being taught. The trainer should create interest in the training by encouraging questions and finding out what the learner already knows.The job should be explained to the trainee along with devising sure the trainee is familiar with the equipment, materials, tools, and terminology of the trade. In the second step, the trainer should explain the metre and quality requ irements of the job. The job should be deceased through at a normal pace and then at a indisposeder pace several times while explaining each step. After the steps have been covered, the learner should explain the steps to the trainer while the trainer goes through the job at a slow pace. In the third step, the learner should go through the job several times slowly while explaining each step.Mistakes should be corrected. Then the learner should do the job at a normal pace. This should cross while the learner builds up skill and speed. Once the learner has demonstrated ability to do the job, the work should begin, but the trainer should stay close by. In the final step, the trainer should designate a while away person the learner can impinge on for help. Supervision should be gradually change magnitude but work should still be checked periodically for quality and quantity standards. Any faulty work patterns should be corrected.Finally good work should be complimented and the wor ker encouraged until able to performance standards. 108. call the programmed learning training method and explain the three parts of this form of instruction. (moderate p. 279) Answer Programmed learning is a step-by-step self-learning method using a medium such as a textbook, computer, or the Internet. The three parts of the method include presenting questions, facts, and problems to the learner, allowing the person to respond, and then providing feedback on the accuracy of answers. 109. What is the goal of succession planning?What steps are involved in the process? (moderate p. 286) Answer Succession planning refers to the process through which a company plans for and fills senior-level openings. The typical succession planning process involves several steps. First, send for management needs based on factors like planned expansion. Next, review the firms management skills inventory to assess current talent. Then, create replacement charts that tote up potential candidates and e ach persons development needs. 110. Changing employee attitudes, skills, and behaviors can be difficult.Explain how Lewins Change Process proposes how change should be implemented. (moderate p. 292) Answer To Lewin, all behavior in organizations is a product of two kinds of forces those striving to maintain the side quo and those move for change. Implementing change means either enfeebling the status quo forces or building up the forces for change. Lewins change process consists of three steps 1) unfreezing the forces that seek to maintain the status quo, 2) moving to develop new behaviors and attitudes, and 3) refreezing the organization into its new system to prevent it from revert to its old ways.